Happy Birthday Baby Girl
Grace is 3 years old today. I swear that I was just pregnant last week! Yes, time flies, but I wouldn't want to forget a moment of every stage that she has gone through. The good and the bad. She's becoming her own person and it's fascinating and frustrating. She has been so much fun, and really made me take stock and learn more about myself. Having kids really holds up a mirror. I am really trying to be a better person and really trying to set a good example for her.
My mom brought along a necklace that my sister gave to me. It says "I am 3". She latched onto that thing and has not taken it off. And so it begins. Now she will expect jewelry for every birthday. Thanks mom! :)
Today is definitely her day. She had chocolate kisses before breakfast and neither Daddy or I blinked an eye. I sent along cupcakes with her to school today. Sugar High for the whole class! We're taking her to Chuck E Cheese for dinner where she can run and play until her legs feel like they're going to fall off. Then home for presents and cake! I promise there will be pictures! (I have pictures from Valentine's Day too... but, ya know. Life, she is crazy busy right now.) I'm sure she'll get away with almost anything (but, of course, that all stops at midnight! I'm not raising a brat). I hope she feels special and loved, more than any other day because she is. I wouldn't give up the past 3 years for anything. She is still my baby and I love her more than life itself.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
3 is so much fun!
I remember Princess getting a garage sale book (worn & smelly)about being 3 which we read every. single. day. sometimes. four times.
It was about a girl (from a very different ethnic & religious background which ironically never bothered Princess - except for the helping to light the candles)who was 3! And all of the things that you could do when you turned 3! (of course why you couldn't do those SAME things at 2 years and 364 days, I'll never know)
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